Category:Survival Gardening
Forgotten Edible Native Plants of North America
The North American continent is home to a rich and diverse flora, with countless plants used as food by Native Americans for millennia. Many of these plants, once central to their diet and culture, have been largely overlooked in modern society. This article explores some of these forgotten botanical treasures, showcasing their potential to enrich …
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Starting a Survival Gardening Blog
There is no doubt that in the world today many people are worried about the possibility of disaster striking, whether that be natural or man-made. Prepping and survival gardening are becoming increasingly popular as people learn to become self-sufficient in an emergency. As an up-and-coming trend on the internet, now might be the time to …
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Great Survival Food Plants for Workout Diets
To get the most out of workout plans, a healthy workout diet is essential, and the good news is, survival food plants can be incorporated. This article shares some of the best survival food plants that survivalists can add to their diet for the best results. Dandelion The next time joggers find dandelions, they should …
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Survival Gardens Coming in Handy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 looks far from over, months after it was discovered in Wuhan, China. Now considered a pandemic, the coronavirus is crippling businesses and l
Lost Family Survive on Wild Berries for 34 Days
A family of four was rescued after getting lost in the Peruvian jungle for 34 days. The mother and her three children were making their way back to th